

OS1Improving the quality and efficiency of UPB’s R&D in the field of food safety and security will be achieved by:

  • creating optimal conditions for specific activities;
  • integration of the team in national, transnational or international consortiums;
  • creating a centre/pol of excellence in the field, opened to the needs of contemporary society;
  • raising the attractiveness of the RD activity and attracting young people in the IInd education cycle (Master) and IIIrd (doctoral school or postdoctoral fellowships) within the UPB;
  • intensifying the publication activities of patents and scientific papers;
  • increasing the practical and applied character of scientific results.


Increasing the professional performance of UPB’s R&D team is essential to any institution because personnel investment is necessary to maintain the institution at the top of the ranking (UPB is currently ranked as the best performing Romanian institute, according to SCOPUS).  

UPB has strengthened its position as a national leading position, in recent years being ranked first according to SCIMAG among Romanian institutions, 8th in Central and Eastern Europe, and 465th in the world (growing up to ~20 positions since last year). Moreover, due to the rising challenges, the only chance for development is continuous education, which brings increased value to the human resources involved.


Improving collaboration with industry and providing highly skilled personnel are urgently needed as the development of complex clusters between research institutes and industry are required to obtain competitive results at the European and international levels.  

Also, as a research university, University Politehnica of Bucharest has a moral obligation to Romanian society to provide the necessary experts, through bachelor’s and master’s programs, including ones from the food industry, such as quality control, safety and food security. Collaboration with the industry will allow a better understanding of the transmitted knowledge towards graduates, following the real needs of the food industry field.


Developing a more competitive Romanian food industry in the European common market, and not only – the competitiveness of the Romanian food industry is given by several factors, and particular importance is addressed to quality control, food and security safety. Romania is capable to provide food for 80 million citizens, which means an enormous potential estimated at ~ 50 million Euros (according to the Romanian authorities).

Acquisition of the projected research infrastructure will allow the possibility of thorough control checks of food products, at the producer’s request, intermediaries or state agencies, which will ultimately lead to increased consumer confidence in Romanian products. Also, the existence of modern analysis equipment will allow and evaluate the influence of certain parameters (accidental, natural or processing) upon the quality of food products. Once the acquisitions are completed, UPB will carry out the established methods and laboratory accreditation.