Biological assessment laboratory

Microbiological assessment is essential for a full range of food (including traditional food, food supplements and special foods). In this sense, the equipment specific to microbiology laboratories will be purchased, as well as established equipment that can analyze DNA, RNA or proteins, in general, to unequivocally identify the nature of the food (protein), but also the degree of denaturation. The investment in this laboratory is ~ 3.97 million RON.

Currently, accredited laboratories in Romania perform microbiological analysis of foods by classical methods based on the direct highlighting of microbial species/ strains, called microbiological indicators, whose presence and quantity indicate the risk of other biological contaminants, including pathogens agents. These methods involve the isolation and identification of microbiological parameters using special media and standardized biochemical and/or serological identification techniques. However, many biological factors (potentially pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotic-resistant microorganisms), viruses or biochemical factors (microbial toxins or different products derived from microbial metabolism) cannot be detected by classical methods.

This laboratory aims to develop and apply new methods for the detection of microbiological contaminants in food by using the latest tools and techniques. The modern methods used will complement the classical techniques and will include:

  • Isolation of a wider range of microorganisms, including intractable in foods;
  • Identification of isolated microorganisms using advanced microscopy and biochemical and immunological automated/semi-automatic methods performed in microvolumes for rapid analysis of a large number of samples or variants;
  • Detection of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) specific to different microorganisms by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), qRT-PCR (Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR), whether or not followed by migration in agarose gel of the amplification products - for accurate discrimination of taxons to family, class, species of microorganisms directly from contaminated food and molecular typing by sequencing or Western Blott;
  • Using TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) as a method for quickly and efficiently identifying microorganisms in food;
  • Characterization of the pathogenicity potential and antibiotic resistance profiles of microbial strains isolated from food:
  1. highlighting the antibiotic resistance profile by phenotypic and molecular methods (diffusometric disc method, E-Test, highlighting the minimum inhibitory concentration by microdilution method, PCR);
  2. determination of virulence characteristics to highlight the pathogenic potential of strains isolated from food (assessment of cellular and inert adhesion capacity, biofilm production, toxin and enzyme production, PCR).
  • Development of new surfaces and food packaging with antimicrobial properties.

Flow cytometer

The Gallios flow cytometer is developed for the research and biopharmaceutical markets, with a strong focus on optical and electronic design, combined with powerful automation and software tools and ensures the efficient acquisition of excellent quality data up to 10 colours with advanced optical design for increased sensitivity for multicolour tests.

Microorganism isolation and identification device

Bioanalyzer for DNA, RNA or protein analysis

Capillary electrophoresis

Capillary electrophoresis is a system developed for: protein analysis, toxicology, pharmaceutical compounds, analysis of small molecules (ions) and nucleic acids. 

The system has 2 detectors included (UV-VIS and DAD) and can be upgraded with other detectors such as LIF.

This system can be coupled with the mass spectrometer, the data being collected and processed using the included software.

Equipment configuration:

UV-VIS detector characteristics:

DAD detector characteristics:

ELISA line with washer, Multi-Mode Reader for microplates and cuvettes with automatic cell counter


  • Light sources: high-powered LEDs (full spectrum) and Xenon flash lamp;
  • The detectors are represented by two dedicated photomultipliers on fluorescence and luminescence and a silicon photodiode for absorbance;
  • Allows any plate format from 6 to 3000 wells, regardless of height, by automatically adjusting the height of the reading distance, top or bottom;
  • Allows readings: endpoint, kinetic, linear scan, area scan and spectral scan;
  • Allows linear and orbital shaking in three modes;
  • Allows the control of the internal temperature from 4oC above ambient to 45°C;oC absolut;
  • Allows CO2-enriched atmosphere;2;
  • Allows top or bottom readings in any mode, luminescence or fluorescence;
  • Front access to the sample plate allows easy automation by integration into an automatic pipetting system;
  • Adding or changing cartridges with different detection modes is performed in front in less than two minutes by the user;
  • In a power failure, the front keys remove the need to restart the control unit for access to the sample board or detection cartridges;
  • The device is operated by SoftMax Pro 6, which allows unlimited access to the functions of any reader in the Molecular Devices portfolio and the configuration and analysis of results.
  • SMP 6 possesses a vast library of pre-installed reading protocols, card formats, but also the ability to create new applications and cards;
  • SMP 6 allows easy configuration of reading protocols and analysis algorithms, plate layout, variable editing and programming, formula transformation, standard curves, cut-off grouping, formula validation, database saving, 2D and 3D graphics, recalculation results, data export and import options, and reading calibration
  • The device, in its basic configuration, allows the following reading modes:



Optical range: 230-1000 nm;

Wavelength bandwidth: 4 nm;

Wavelength accuracy: ± 2 nm;

Wavelength repeatability: ± 1 nm;

Photometric range: 0-4 OD;

Photometric resolution: 0.001 OD;

Photometric resolution: 0.001 OD;

Photometric precision: <± 0.010 OD ± 1%, 0-2 OD;

Stray light: <0.05% at 230 nm.


Wavelength range: 250-850 nm;

Wavelength selection: 1nm;

Adjustable bandwidth: EX-9/15 nm and EM-15/25 nm;

Linear dynamic range:> 6 orders of magnitude;

Sensitivity: 0.5 pM in 96 plate and 1 pM in 384 plate;


Wavelength range: 300-850 nm;

Wavelength selection: 1 nm and the possibility of detecting several wavelengths simultaneously;

Linear dynamic range:> 6 orders of magnitude;

Sensitivity: 15 pM in 96 plate and 30 pM in 384 plate;

  • The device allows cellular imaging with the white light source, a source for 460 nm and 625 nm, 1.25 megapixel CCD detector, patented autofocus and for transmitted light and wavelengths of 541 and 713 nm;
  • The optical component allows applications for cell counting and the measurement of cell proliferation and protein expression.


Automatic sample preparation system including automated DNA/RNA and protein extraction and tissue homogenizer

Upright fluorescence optical microscope (2 pieces)